Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Illustrating perspective

Nearing the end of tax season brought to mind the way we sometimes feel about laws and new policies. Do politicians think of us as individual people or herds of animals? When we are forced to pay fees if we don't have insurance it feels like there's no where else we can go.
 Feeling like test subjects for government policies?
How do politicians really view the lives of those they govern?
f/4 1/30 ISO-1250 18mm


Physical: The idea is that we are trapped in a cage like a lab rat, living in our own poop with what looks to be a nearly empty bowl of food and nothing but a boring blank wall.
Psychological:  The entire frame of the shot is caged in bars and the angle is not wide enough to reveal anything in the room in order to show that the caged subjects don't know any other life or world around them.
Social: Both the bunny and the human are in a cage but isolated from each other like the way politicians are dividing us up into different social groups.
Cultural: We are not treated like we have rights compared to those in power who
harvest our taxes and votes like a piece of rabbit meat.
Temporal: As you can see in my retake the human subject is literally in a cage, representing the way he feels about his voice. Person (in photo) mistaken as an animal and treated as one.


  1. Great concept. How can this be art directed to reduce its noise and increase its impact?
